Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Our Love Song.

Jam sings to Him..

There is none like You,
No one else can touch my heart like You do,
I can search for all eternity Lord
And find, there is none like You.

There is none like You.
No one else can touch my heart like You do,
I can search for all eternity Lord
And find, there is none like You.

Your mercy flows like a river wide,
And healing comes from Your hand.
Suffering children are safe in Your arms,
There is none like You.
There is none like You, ( There is none like You, Lord)

There is none like You
I can search for all eternity Lord,
There is none like You.
I can search for all eternity Lord,
There is none,( there is none,)
There is none Lord,
There is none like You.

He sings to Jam...

There is none like You,
No one else can touch my heart like You do,
I can search for all eternity long...
And find, there is none like You.

There is none like You.
No one else can touch my heart like You do,
I can search for all eternity long...

And find, there is none like You.


This is my favorite love song to my Sweet Saviour.

It is through this song that I felt my heart is so secured in God. I can trust His love for me and that I am His beloved. I feel beautiful everytime I would hear God singing this to me.

Oh how sweet is the love of my saviour to me!

Nothing can compare to His loyalty in loving me.


Lord, there is none like you in my heart...

Friday, November 24, 2006

I put my trust in Him.

My heart is the noisiest part of my body. It shouts in the silence of the night and restless in the stillness of thedawn. It's hard to keep it quiet and still. The questions and worrying adds up every minute.

God would always tell me that He is sovereign. I could always TRUST Him.

But honestly, I know that I would always give a half hearted 'YES'answer. I would always keep a little reservation to myself. Probably to protect my heart from disappontment or frustration.

Of course, God is not contented with my answer. He wants my FULL, One-hundred-percent trust. He will not stop convincing me until I'd give it to Him.

A cg-mate once texted me this message:

" I have been with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not fail you nor forsake you." -Joshua 1:5
Risk the trustworthiness of God.


Why I am so afraid to risk when it is God who's asking me to trust Him?

Past experiences with people I trusted then betrayed or failed me somehow affects my attitude on trusting God.

But I have A LOT more reasons to trust God. I can trust His character, His power, His love, His heart... and the very fact that He will never lie is enough reason for me to give Him my one hundred percent trust.

This week, God gave me this verse that quieted my heart and placed me in the attitude of Trust.

"for God is greater than our hearts and knows everything" -1 John 3:20

I've read alot of verses that speaks about God being sovereign and trsutworthy. But I guess, there are really some verses that will strike your heart to the core. And this is one of those verses for me.

After reading and meditating it, my heart seems to be so serene. I feel that I am at the feet of Jesus listening to His teachings and just adoring Him for His goodness.

God knows my heart and knows everything. Why will I worry?

God is holding my life...and I am more precious than those lilies! =)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Terimakasih Tuhan.

That means: Thank you Lord!

Out of the many phrases I learned when I was in Indonesia, this is my most favorite,

Terimakasih (Thank you) Tuhan (Lord)!

Yesterday was another treat for a missionary-wannabe like me. We had foreign visitors from ISOT (International School of Theology) to share about their countries' prayer points. There were four representatives from Taiwan, Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia. (I was actually hoping to that one of them was from Mongolia). They share a brief background about their country and the situation of christianity in their places. After that, they led us in prayer using their native language.

I felt like I was in EARC once again. Praying in different tongues but united in spirit.

I felt a tinge of guilt when the representative from Indonesia was reporting. I remembered my covenant with Nata, my indonesian sister. We promised to pray for each otehr and for our countries. But after I lost my webmail in UP I lost contact with her because she also changed her email and I wasn't able to give my yahoo add.

The last time I heard from her was, she already resigned form her secular job and committed herself as a full time worker in Perkantas (IVCF Indonesia). That was her dream, to reach out the muslim students in her university. (Just like mine...)And during EARC we prayed hard about it. Those were memorable times for me.

I am always affected whenever I hear tragedies or bombings in Indonesia. I remember her, my dear sweet sister Nata. I hope and pray that God will protect and save her from the schemes of the enemy. I don't know if we will see each other again...

But for sure, we'll have a grand reunion up there.

Last night, I learned that I can help in missions not just in financial aspect. I was burdened to have a time of prayer for the warriors in the field. In that way, I can be part of the participation in mission field. And I know that prayer is the best armor we christians have in claiming one territory after another!

The battle is the Lord's! Our God is mighty!

Let's take part in proclaiming that Jesus is Lord! (And there is no other..)

Friday, November 10, 2006

Where is God When it Hurts?

Your world is dark, safe, secure. You are bathed in warm liquid, cushioned from shock. You do nothing for yourself; you are fed automatically, and a murmuring heartbeat assures you that someone larger than you fills you’re not sure what to wait for, but any change seems far away and scary. You meet no sharp objects, no pain, no threatening adventures. A fine existence.

One day you feel a tug. The walls are falling in on you. Those soft cushions are now pulsing and beating against you, crushing you downwards. Your body is bent double., your limbs twisted and wrenched. You’re falling, upside down. For the first time in your life. you feel pain. You’re in a sea of rolling matter. There is more pressure, almost too intense to bear. Your head is squeezed flat, and you are pushed harder, harder into a dark tunnel. Oh, the pain. Noise. More pressure.

You hurt all over. You hear a groaning sound and an awful, sudden fear rushes in on you. It is happening—your world is collapsing. You’re sure it’s the end. You see a piercing, blinding light. Cold, rough hands pull at you. A painful slap. Waaaaaaaaaaah!

Congratulations! You’ve just been born.
Philip Yancey

It was another 'crying night' for me last night. I know God was trying to take me out again of my world. And like leaving teh womb, it seems frightening, portentous, full of pain.
I am just afraid of the unknown. I would rather drop the whole idea than risk and see a bright new world. I am such a whimp.
Last night, I was like a child groaning, sobbing for God's attention. I knew I was trying to convince God to purge everything about the issue. I just can't take the issue any longer. I was battling against myself, my will. But I was losing...its just too intense to bear.
I cried, buckets of tears. And it felt good to cry, to let out all the liquid words.
I know God is birthing something in my character. And I have to endure the this. I know it will take time and it is a painful process. But after awhile, when I see the end of this, I know I will be amazed how clearly things come into focus.
No wonder Jesus reffered to this as being "born again".

Monday, November 06, 2006

A Missionary.

" As my Father hath sent Me, even so send I you." John 20:21

Yesterday, my desire to go to Mongolia was once again triggered because of Dr. Tom Sparrow's preaching on Deutoromy 30:11-20 which focuses on Missions.

This November our church is celebrating its Mission's Month and yesterday's Word was really a good start to make a spark in each believer's heart.

I am so consumed of the desire to preach the gospel, to tell the good give hope to those who are perishing. Just like Jesus, giving what the people really NEED, salvation.

This desire started way back in 2004, when one of my disciple shared that she wants to be a missionary. I was challenged by her boldness to declare such desire because I was really afraid to go out of my comfort zone, church and campus ministry. I thought that those two are enough..I don't really need to be a missionary.

Then, after going to Indonesia for EARC, my eyes was opened to the the the world that needs a Saviour.

Each country shared how they struggle to share Christ, that christianity is still a small percentage in their country, that alot of people are still perishing and dying without knowing Christ...without having a chance to hear the goodnews.

Ftrom there, I know that God has planted a seed in my heart for missions. The Philippines is blessed with alot of workers and believers, and there are still alot of souls waiting to hear the Word, like the country of Mongolia.

I don't know, each time I hear and think of missions, MOngolia would always surface in my mind and spirit.

Someday, if God wills...I will go there and find at least one soul wh's waiting to know christ.

"The great essential of the missionary is that he remains true to the call of God,
and realizes that his one purpose is to disciple men and women to Jesus."
-Utmost For His Highest

Someday...Lord, fan this flame...bring me to where you want me to be.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


by: Michael Alfred Tan

here i am...
still longing for Your promised peace
that surpasses understanding
'cause i need salvation from my despair
i've been carrying my burdens for so long

i awake...
body trembling,
with tears on my pillow
and fear in my heart
'cause i feel
You don't hear my voice anymore

don't withhold Your hand,
come quickly Lord,
i need Thee

You are my Sanctuary
my Stronghold, never failing
my Fortress, Deliverer
in You i find my peace...

i guess i may not understand Your answers
for Your ways are higher than mine
and so are Your thoughts..

Lord forgive me for doubting You
come quickly Lord, i need Thee

You are my Sanctuary
my Stronghold, never fading
my Fortress in times of trouble
in You i find my peace..
in You i find my peace... always


Dad sang this song last Sunday during the Anniversary concert. I was transported back in time when it ministered to me last year, when I was in Pampanga, distressed with my situtation.

I didn't want to be there. It was beyond my imagination that my first job would be in the province away from my life in Manila. I didn't want to live there either, life there was for me, plain and simpl. Everyday was a struggle to finish the day.

But God gave me this song during one of those crying nights. He taught me His sovereignty over my life. He's my master therefore I should obey (with cheerfulness).

God wanted to saturate me with His presence. He started purging out my pride, my self-sufficiency and everything that keeps me away from His presence. And then He filled me with praises and joy in the quietness of farms and sunsets.

God's sanctuary doesn't just reside in the church nor in the campus ministry that I dearly love,not just with my family or christian friends...

God's sanctuary is in every place He wants me to be...

... in the center of His will.

And that is where I found peace.


I was caught by the cords of death; the snares of Sheol had seized me; I felt agony and dread.
Then I called on the name of the LORD, "O LORD, save my life!"
Gracious is the LORD and just; yes, our God is merciful.
The LORD protects the simple; I was helpless, but God saved me.

Return, my soul, to your rest; the LORD has been good to you.

For my soul has been freed from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling.
I shall walk before the LORD in the land of the living.

Psalm 116:2-3