Monday, October 30, 2006

Alabaster Jar.

"Now when Jesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper,
a woman came up to him with an alabaster jar of costly perfumed oil, and poured it on his head while he was reclining at table.
When the disciples saw this, they were indignant and said, "Why this waste?
It could have been sold for much, and the money given to the poor."

Since Jesus knew this, he said to them, "Why do you make trouble for the woman?
She has done a good thing for me."
Matthew 26:7-10
If I remembered it right, it was the last week of August when God gave me this passage on 'Alabaster Jar'. It was during those times that I was asking alot of questions to God about a certain issue. I was struggling to be still and I was demanding God to give me a clear and solid instruction because I couldn't stay in the situation any longer.

But instead of answering me, He gave me Mary's story of extravagant worship.

My first reaction was,

"Lord, do you want me to offer something that is expensive and precious?"

I knew in my heart where God was leading me. Or should I say, I knew what was the 'expensive and precious' thing that He wanted.

It was him. A very precious person in my life.

Two years ago, God asked me to start praying for him. I was not sure if it will lead to something romantic or God just wanted me to be his prayer support. I wasn't really sure, but still I obeyed.

I prayed for him regularly. He doesn't know about this and I don't have any plans of telling him. Eventhough my prayers were somehow the same prayers i have for my other friends, his became special.

And the more I prayed, the more I invested affections.

And now, after two long years, God wanted me to offer all these, all my prayers and hopes that sprang up from this.

It crushed me. I was confused.

He placed me here and now he wanted me out. Just like that. No explanation.

After meditating the story of Mary and the Alabaster Jar, I realized what real worship is...

To hold everything loosely and worship God in every way possible.

God wanted to see if I was willing to give Him the most extravagant worship I could offer...

My prayers, affection and love for him...and even my desire to be with him in the future.

I thought I couldn't do it. It was just beyond my wisdom how I could show my extravangant worship without being bitter about the whole situation.

But God made me understand that my focus turned to promise and not to the Promise-giver. My attitude changed from trusting to complaining.

That's why He's asking this offering, because more than anything, He wants me back in His arms.

So just recently, I broke my Alabaster Jar of Prayers and Affection.

And yes, I cried at His feet whem I did this. Not because it was painful, but because I realized I love my Saviour more than anything...and I was very sorry for not showing this for the longest time.

To end, I did not gave him up, I gave him to the Lord.

Deep Dark Secret.

My heart is breaking right now.

I just learned a deep-dark secret that really broke my heart to pieces. I feel betrayed that for so many years I thought I knew everything about my friend, and that we are together in bringing the gospel to our other friends because we were both christian in the group.

But after knowing everything (I hope it's everything), the reality of the situation came to light. The reasons why I was having a hard time penetrating our group was because her testimony in the group was tainted. So tainted that even I can't believe it was real.

I can't put on the details here. Because I love her, and if ever she'll hop in here I want her to know that I love her no matter what.

Lord, I really don't know how to react in this situation, I want to show her that my love and understanding is real. But I also want to show her the consequences of what happened and that you are just and the reality of your wrath.

I feel for her, so much that I my heart aches every time I remember her.I don't know what to do God.

How will I show my deep concern?

How will I extend grace? When I feel right now is betrayal and deception?

Lord, please help me.

Show me the way to her heart, again.

Let my love for her be an overflow of your love.


"Be merciful, just as (also) your Father is merciful. "
Luke 6:36

(October 29.Sunday.)

For a start.

This will be a journal of a young girl who dreams of going to Mongolia for missions..

and a lot more doodles on her daily quest to be in the presence of the Almighty...

a blog, written and made as a form of worship to her Saviour.

I guess, that will be it for now.

Glory to His Majesty!